September 2008
My iTunes: Singin' in the Rain
I'm posting this picture precisely because it did not look like this today. Or at least not the last time I walked back to my house this afternoon. The sun was not out, nor was it a pleasant temperature. It was raining cats and dogs. So much so that I didn't walk back on a path but in a river. I must have looked quite ridiculous: I decided to wear my button down sweater instead of my dress shirt so as not to soak the one, rolled up my good dress pants so as not to ruin the hem, had my heels in my bag, and was clutching a broken umbrella trying desperately to cover up my books and purse. Pictures of that were not taken and will not be shared :)
But I believe I can officially announce my good news (drum roll, please): I am booked for my first wedding shoot! I'll be meeting with the bride this weekend to discuss details and such.
But now, I'm off to bed. This week is going to be long and exhausting, so I need every bit of rest I can manage to squeeze into my schedule!