Monday, March 2, 2009

new england visit: take 2.

Well, it seems as if my failure to post regularly has certainly cut down on the number of regular blog readers I have.  (Although I know a few of you know where I was visiting last week and aren't spoiling the surprise and "guessing" where!)

But here is a second installment.  The campus was really gorgeous -- I wish I had more time to walk around and take pictures, but I was in and out of meetings and classes during my visit, plus I was fighting off a sinus infection so I wanted to stay out of the cold as much as possible.

Another hint as to where I was: the abbreviation for the state in which the graduate school is located can be found in each of the pictures I'm posting.
My iTunes: Sepia Panorama by Duke Ellington

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

hehe I know where you went! I am so happy to see you posting again! I miss seeing your photos and hearing about your life.