Tuesday, April 22, 2008


April 2008

My iTunes: Rewrite This Tragedy by Sara Groves

Installment number two for Project Green -- these were some books that I found at an antique shop last year. I like seeing books like these on shelves. There is something appealing about seeing a bunch of books that all look the same, but knowing that upon closer inspection they aren't all exactly alike.

My favorite of these books is probably The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. I read them in high school years ago and enjoyed them a lot. I'm not a huge fan of poetry, though. I think it's rather odd that I'm not a poetry fan because I love music and art so much. Liking poetry would make sense, but thankfully it isn't a prerequisite for liking art or music! My appreciate for poetry increases when it is set to music, though. I like some of the German poetry that is the inspiration for some of the art songs that I have studied. But poetry for poetry's sake is something I have yet to learn to appreciate.

I've added a new widget to my blog that I rather like -- it's an iTunes widget and there are a variety of options that you can have to customize its appearance and what it displays. I have it set to display the names of my favorite artists.

1 day until surgery!


Lilli & Nevada said...

very nice , Good luck with your surgery

Robert said...

I love the tight composure. And of course I like the straight lines here. But I can't help wondering if you tried different camera angles. It looks great against the black background of your blog page (even better than against the white background of google reader).

Praying the surgery is successful.

Carletta said...

Hi Christy -
I was once an English teacher. I LOVE the look of this post.

Anonymous said...

Great shot... beautiful, deep green. Best of luck with your surgery and a quick recovery.

TwD said...

Good luck, I forgot to say it yesterday, I'm waiting you back!
Again good photo, I think you have many in your foulders ;)

Lacey Lichi said...

I am surrounded by books all of the time. My husband I and were both English majors and he went on to a double PhD in Art History and Comparative Literature. When he was doing his dissertation he had over 100 books out from the library added to our stacks and stacks at home. I like your picture. It is straight and organized as those authors would have had it. Great green.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Christy: Great green shot. I wish you well as you have the surgery.

Anna said...

LOVE THE BOOKS! Great lines!

Dont forget to take your camera to the hospital! If you dont, you know you will see tons of things and think..

"I wish I would have listened to Anna and brought my camera!"

:) Take care in there! Love you!

Lizzy said...

Some day I would like to have books that have those titles and look like those books. :o) Cool pic, too! I'll be praying for your surgery!

Anna said...

Not really a poetry fan either, but I'm a fan of your picture :-)

Anna said...

HAHAHA Yes, THE ALHAMBRA. I thought about you when I was walking through it... My thought was "Christy's going to kill me!"

Karen Coutu said...

Nice collection! Excellent choice for "Project Green." Good luck with your surgery!!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

good luck with the surgery, Christy.
take care......love the shot. i bet those books smell great!!! i love the smell of old books...it transports me to a different world instantly :)