Tuesday, March 18, 2008

monastery door

Monastery Door
March 2008

My iTunes: Marche au Supplice from Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique

Sorry for lagging in my posting... yet again. I spent most of yesterday in Baltimore for fittings and rehearsal for Romeo et Juliette. The rest of the day was spent in great pain because I couldn't take the effective pain medication until I got to Baltimore because you're not supposed to drive while taking it. I just didn't get around to posting.

This morning was spent at the orthopedic specialist's office, where I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Tomorrow afternoon I will go for an MRI of the lumbar area of my back to verify the diagnosis, and for the next two weeks I will be on steroids to treat the inflammation around my S1 nerve.

This shot is of a door to a monastery in Assisi, Italy. I liked its rustic look -- just imagine how old it must have been!

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