pho·tog·ra·phy : \fə-ˈtä-grə-fē\ noun : the art of producing images by the action of radiant energy

Sunday, March 27, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 6
Every street was perfectly picturesque. It helped that there weren't cars everywhere, since they would seriously throw off the aesthetic.
Last night I discovered a new bar and a new beer. The bar: Cask Republic. The beer: Fransikaner Hefe-Weißbier. I don't tend to be much of a bar person -- they're usually too loud, too grimy, and too annoying, but this one was even palatable on a Saturday night. I think we'll be going back in future. The beer was good, too! Not only do I tend to prefer European brews, but I just enjoy ordering anything in German because it's so fun to pronounce. (And I sound like I know what I'm doing.)
iTunes: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling
Thursday, March 24, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 5
Taking a quick break from reading another intense musicology article to post another Europe photo. I just find this sign charming. Oddly enough, I find the Fraktur script rather nostalgic. Don't know if that was the case while I was studying for the German proficiency exam or if this is a more recent development, but either way, I like it now.
Speaking of Fraktur, while I was out of town for the weekend, I briefly stopped in to visit my grandparents. My grandmother gave me a set of books her mother had purchased at the Wagner Festival in New York City in 1923, which included the entire set of Wagner's operatic librettos (in Fraktur)! It was really neat to learn that my great-grandmother shared my love of these works, and my grandmother was thrilled that I was so excited to have the books.
iTunes: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling
Friday, March 18, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 4
There will be quite a few postings from the streets of Rothenburg ob der Tauber -- it was a very picturesque, quaint little town, despite being so tourist-y. I really enjoy all the cobblestone streets. And, yes, I can walk on them in heels -- though I didn't have heels with me for the trip. I fit everything I needed for nearly three weeks into my backpack. Impressive, yes?
Winding down the last week of my spring break. Can we just extend it a little longer? I've been hanging out with my favorite kid since Tuesday, and it's just she and I today because she doesn't have school. She's pretty tuckered out from all the excitement, so she's still asleep and I have a chance to get some early morning work done and to post another Europe photo.
iTunes: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1, by J.S. Bach
Sunday, March 13, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 3
Quick Sunday afternoon post. I managed to have a productive day thus far. I read six articles and even managed to spend some time knitting. But, the day is not done and I'm going to try to make it through four more articles...
iTunes: Wißt Ihr, Wann Mein Kindchen, Op. 103/3, by Brahms
Thursday, March 10, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 2
I love how brightly colored the building were on the main square. It almost gives the town the feeling of being an enlarged doll's house. I imagine they weren't so bright during the Middle Ages, especially with all the soot, dirt, and grime that a city produces. But it looks nice now.
I've had a lazy day today. Watching the Harry Potter movies and knitting while in my pajamas. (I'm on the sixth movie now!) Perfect way to spend a rainy day in West Virginia.
iTunes: Hochgetürmte Rimaflut, Op. 103/2, by Brahms
Monday, March 7, 2011
rothenburg ob der tauber: no. 1
And the next location on our tour: Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe. And certainly the most tourist-y one. But regardless, it made for some good photo ops. I'll be sharing a lot more Rothenburg pictures--we spent longer there than the other cities we had been to thus far, and we had great weather. When the clock in the main square chimed, everyone came out to take pictures. I thought it would be an appropriate first shot to share.
Spending time with cats today has been lovely. And I finished a button pidge scarf. But the highlight of the day was probably running on the treadmill and doing lip-trills to the Zigeunerlieder. Which are one of my new favorite pieces. Check them out.
iTunes: He, Zigeuner, Greife In Die Saiten Ein! Op. 103/1, by Brahms
Saturday, March 5, 2011
würzburg: no. 5
Last Würzburg post. Which may not technically be Würzburg since it was taken during the train ride. But we'll just say it's Würzburg. The sunshine was just gorgeous that day, which was a welcome change from the pouring rain we had when we first arrived in Amsterdam.
I made it to WV in a record 7 hours, including stops. Not entirely sure how that happened, because I didn't have the heaviest lead foot on the road. Not by a long shot. But it was nice once I crossed into WV and the speed limit went up to 70 mph! Tonight is my friend's masters recital, so we're stapling programs and such this afternoon and preparing a ton of food.
iTunes: Bad Romance, by Lady Gaga (yes, I do listen to more than just Classical music on occasion!)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
würzburg: no. 4
One of my recently discovered favorites from the trip. I like the lines and the crispness of the black-and-white. And yes, still in Würzburg. Sorry, but there will only be train station pictures. I may or may not post one last Würzburg picture, or I might move onto the next city we visited. Only time will tell...
I just finished up the first half of my semester, and the next two weeks are spring break. Thank goodness. Two weeks for spring break is exactly what I need -- a week to get some extra work done and a week to relax. I wish there was a two week break during the fall semester as well, but we just have one week at Thanksgiving. Which is better than just a couple of days, don't get me wrong, but it comes right at the end of the semester when you're behind on work, need to get ahead on final papers, and are completely exhausted from the semester. I won't miss the stress of coursework this coming fall!
iTunes: String Quartet No. 12 in Eb major, Op. 127, by Beethoven
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